Looking forward to seeing many of you at this year's AES convention in NYC!
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Looking forward to seeing many of you at this year's AES convention in NYC!
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Simultaneously making apparent the depths of both my dorkiness and my loyalty, I steadfastly stood by Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" all through its various tribulations over the last couple years -- first with its questionable placement on the OC,...
The Smart Studios Story Wendy Schneider, director At this point, Butch Vig [Tape Op #11] and Smart Studios are the stuff of legend. From the album that destroyed music’s status quo (Nirvana’s Nevermind), to Smashing Pumpkin's Gish...
I pulled short straw and had to go pick up the take out tonight (take away for our UK readers). The radio was set to NPR, so I let it alone. The announcer introduced a new segment called “Listen to This,” that features famous musicians...
Going through some archives I came across this priceless piece of history: its the rate card from the studio my friends and I used to go to. You can see it here:. After years of nagging, we did get him to discount our rate to $50 an hour,...
Garret Haines wrote a thorough review of this UAD plug-in in Tape Op #106. You should read it. Here are a few of Geoff Stanfield’s thoughts on a plug-in that he has come to use and love, not only for its sonic closeness to the original, but...
Part One - by Larry Crane 1/13/04It's been snowing and frozen here in Portland for a week - not something this town is used to. Many businesses were shut down and traffic wasn't moving, even though it wasn't that much snow. I feel dumb as my town...
Come see The Wrecking Crew film at Hollywood Theatre in Portland on Saturday May 8th. There are a number of other screenings happening coming up. I shared the stage with director Denny Tedesco and watched his film in Cleveland recently, It's an...
Check out Ross Healy's VICMODBLOG on analog modular synths. He interviews "people who build and sell modular gear and forgotten electronic musicians." Cool stuff.