Hello Friends of Tape Op!
We have some fantasic gear giveaways happening right now. Who doesn't need a bundle of excellent plug-ins or a new interface?
Eventide Elevate Mastering Plug-in Bundle
Arturia Studio and Plug-Ins
Hello Friends of Tape Op!
We have some fantasic gear giveaways happening right now. Who doesn't need a bundle of excellent plug-ins or a new interface?
Eventide Elevate Mastering Plug-in Bundle
Arturia Studio and Plug-Ins
A band I work with is two weeks away from their release date. They've worked tirelessly to prepare for this release, hired an excellent publicist, shot videos, toured....they've done it all right and without fatigue. That record is the most...
I'll be attending and pretending to be a panelist at The 2nd Annual Recording Summit in Nashville, held Nov 12-14 at Welcome to 1979 Studios. Check the link above to become part of this crazy cool event!
THE ERA OF HI-RES DIGITAL AUDIO IS HERE I’ve been watching the rise of hi-end digital audio recently, and as I put the individual pieces together over the past year or so a picture is emerging that has inspired me to claim that we are...
NYC-based duo Cults have just released their fifth album, To the Ghosts. The album was co-produced by the band's Brian Oblivion and Madeline Follin with Shane Stoneback, mixed by John Congleton and mastered by Heba Kadry. Check out Cults on the...
Last week Cycling 74 released the tremendous version 6 update to Max/MSP, their flagship multimedia programming platform, which provides an appealingly artistic interface into audio, MIDI, and video focused logic at a nonetheless ...
I got an email the other day from a PR person looking for Tape Op to write an article about several "known" engineer/producers and their drum recording techniques in the studio. These guys are known, and one of them we've written about and I think...
You know those ads? Yeah, some Photoshop jockey took the GUI of a plug-in and made it look like a piece of outboard gear, a synth or something. Drives me nuts. For years I couldn't figure out if one plug-in, I think it was Trilogy, was "real" or...
A huge thanks to everybody who participated in the Hurricane Sandy relief auctions we posted last week. Thanks to you and our advertisers, Sound Toys, Avenson Audio, Dangerous Music, Placid Audio, and Universal Audio, we raised $42,578...
You've probably heard stuff about the stupid-loud Metallica album. Idolator rang me up for some comments. Check it out.