Hello Friends of Tape Op!
We have some fantasic gear giveaways happening right now. Who doesn't need a bundle of excellent plug-ins or a new interface?
Eventide Elevate Mastering Plug-in Bundle
Arturia Studio and Plug-Ins
Hello Friends of Tape Op!
We have some fantasic gear giveaways happening right now. Who doesn't need a bundle of excellent plug-ins or a new interface?
Eventide Elevate Mastering Plug-in Bundle
Arturia Studio and Plug-Ins
Tape Op Magazine’s founder and editor, Larry Crane, has been mixing songs and albums for people from all over the United States and the world for over 20 years. Many of these sessions are unattended, and here’s a glimpse into his...
Support the Future of Music Coalition! [donate!] The FMC is "a small, Washington, D.C.-based non-profit that fights to get musicians a seat at the table in debates about the future of music. FMC's HINT (Health Insurance Navigation Tool) program,...
Many Recording Studios use Apple OS-based machines. Those users know Macs can read Microsoft NFTS (New Technology File System) volumes, but not write to them. If your OSX studio needs to write to Windows NFTS, then you need a...
John Cuniberti's OneMic Series presents The Imaginaries at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio!
Ace Hotel has long been a favorite among artist/studio types, so when we heard the news that they were going to beginoffering quality recording gear as a literal hotel service, it made sense. Featured behind their tailored front desk you'll find...
Yup, I sit at my computer all day editing articles, writing stuff for the mag and answering the ridiculous amount of emails that always seep in over the course of a day. illus by Eva Kihl
If you want to stay in business you need to record all kinds of bands, including those you don't care for. (This is actually a shock to some people. It is. They don't last long, and their refusal to work with anyone except bands they hand-pick is...
There has been a heightened interest lately in using stompboxes and pedals as part of the mixing process. There are a few ways to interface your pedals with your system, but here is a quick video on how I do it using the Meris 440 500 series mic-pre....
Last week Cycling 74 released the tremendous version 6 update to Max/MSP, their flagship multimedia programming platform, which provides an appealingly artistic interface into audio, MIDI, and video focused logic at a nonetheless ...