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Craft Recordings: A Music and Vinyl Lovers Paradise
by Geoff Stanfield
I still listen to tons of music. I listen for work and I listen for pleasure. I listen for discovery. We are in an age where music is so readily available, in so many formats, that it’d be a shame not to take advantage of the plethora of...
This happens EVERY week
by Larry Crane
I didn't do this video. But the guy who did must be spying on me. You can replace the style of music with any style, but the conversation is the same. (Recording Engineers, you can replace mastering with 'my friend has a hacked copy of Cubase.') ...
Mr. Oliver Has Left the Building: Vaughan Oliver / 1957-2019
by Geoff Stanfield
by John Baccigaluppi It may not be obvious, but as this magazine’s graphic designer, the recently passed Vaughan Oliver was a major influence on the look of Tape Op Magazine. Being someone who’s not involved with social media, and as...
Herb Deutsch, Moog’s Influential Synthesizer Designer, Has Died
by Geoff Stanfield
By Alex Maiolo I’m sure a lot of you are asking “who was Herb Deutsch and what does he have to do with rock n’ roll?” The short answer is sometimes it’s the people behind the scenes that change the course of...
New Episode of Creative Recording With Tape Op
by Geoff Stanfield
Larry Crane and Geoff Stanfield discuss mixing analog vs. in the box vs. a hybrid approach in the latest episode of Creative Recording With Tape Op! This episode is made possible with support from our friends at BURL Audio.
New SASAMI Single and Video: "Honeycrash"
by Geoff Stanfield
Check out the new video and single "Honeycrash" from SASAMI (#157). Produced by Jennifer Decilveo, who is interviewed in our May issue. Listen to "Honeycrash" Check out our interviews with SASAMI and Jennifer here: SASAMI Tape...
unconventional installation
by Larry Crane
Speaking of the art world, reader Halsey Burgund sent a link to his installation that “involves some unconventional recording techniques, mainly doing it wirelessly and using lots of open-source and customized software.” Looks like fun...
St. Vincent Releases Spanish Language Version of All Born Screaming
by Geoff Stanfield
As a gift to her fans in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries, St. Vincent has released a Spanish language version of her 2024 release All Born Screaming, Todos Nacen Gritando. Releasing companion albums is a bit of theme with St. Vincent....