To accompany the new documentary film, Eno, a career spanning soundtrack has also been released. It is a 17-track album that dips into many eras of his 50 year solo career. We recommend checking out all of Eno's solo recordings, collaborations, and his extensive production work, but this is a good overview that incudes some of his recordings with Cluster, John Cale, David Byrne, Roger Eno, and more.
The original Eno footage included in the video for "Stiff" was shot in the early 90’s and finally unearthed by Gary Hustwit in the making of the Eno film. The song is included in both the film and official soundtrack album.
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
This may be the most indispensable tool in my studio. I hear people say that converters don't matter and that most cannot hear the difference. Bullsh*t!
If you cannot accurately hear what you are doing you are making uninformed choices. They call...
Pitchfork TV (some spinoff of the horrible, snotty music crit site) has launched a series called A>D>D.
"The title for the series is based on the ADD/AAD/DDD codes that appeared on compact discs in the late 80s and early 90s, in which ADD...
I ran the end rant about "Lies" I hear in the studio from musicians. I asked for "Lies" that engineers tell people, but only got these two. But they're pretty good! Please take with a sense of humor, according to Arthur, but there may be some truths...
Tape Op contributor and studio owner/engineer/producer Mike Caffrey recently sent me some thoughts he had about visitors to the studio during sessions. See issue 73’s upcoming end rant for the origins of this piece. -LC
I always tell...
John Caroll Kirby - Septet
It is a great time for music and recording. The pandemic drove many artists into their bedrooms and living spaces to make recordings and others figured out ways to get into studios safely. I get a load of new...
After reading Larry's "Eliminate Variables" End Rant from last issue, I was compelled to write a response. Don't get me wrong, I agree completely with everything he said; so before you read any further, revisit the back page of issue #92.
Lots of laptops use an accelerometer to detect that the computer is falling. When that happens, the computer parks the hard drive heads to prevent them from bouncing on the HD platter. Apple calls this the Sudden Motion Sensor. On...
Check out the new single and video, "Vintage" from Moses Sumney. We’re big fans of Moses here at Tape Op, and his LP Aromanticism made both John and Geoff’s best of 2017 year end list. "Vintage" pulls the listener into its...