Larry Interviews Manny Marroquin
by Geoff Stanfield
Larry caught up with Manny Marroquin at Studio La Fabrique in France during a Mix With The Masters session.
Larry caught up with Manny Marroquin at Studio La Fabrique in France during a Mix With The Masters session.
Convention Report. Man, that old Disneyland hotel was awesome! I'm in the process of moving and was cleaning my office earlier today. I have a large collection of vintage audio magazines and books that I use for clip art when working on Tape...
Tape Op contributor and studio owner/engineer/producer Mike Caffrey recently sent me some thoughts he had about visitors to the studio during sessions. See issue 73’s upcoming end rant for the origins of this piece. -LC I always tell...
A few months back while on a call with Tape Op publisher John Baccigaluppi, he mentioned that he was working on an album project where the majority of the sounds were generated by his cat Raspy. That is not to say that Raspy actually sat down...
Check out the new track, “Domestic Workers Song,” from Dawn Landes. The song was originally written in 1939 but it’s still relevant and timely, and the recording is a fun sing-a-long romp with nods to The Band and the upstate NY...
For those that couldn't make it, we'd like to report that the Tape Op Party held during SXSW at the Beauty Bar on March 19th, 2010 was a freaking blast. We had a wonderful set by the band Quasi, DJ sets by Ian McLagan, Rebecca Gates, Richard Barone...
Quantegy , despite the oddity of still being an active link, posted this announcement recently: "Plans are being formulated for the revival of Quantegy 499 Gold Studio Mastering and GP9 Platinum Studio Mastering audio products, as well as the Black...
by John Baccigaluppi The music industry trade shows, and the NAMM Show in particular, have always been a mixed bag for me. Every year, for the last 20 years or so, Larry and I, along with Geoff, Scott, and Marsha (We miss you Andy, Dave, and Laura!)...
Steve Daubenspeck and Greg Freeman are Ancient Farmers and their new album is called Seventh Heaven. Greg Freeman was featured in Tape Op #1, and had previously recorded two albums for Tape Op founder Larry Crane when he was in the band Vomit...