To accompany the new documentary film, Eno, a career spanning soundtrack has also been released. It is a 17-track album that dips into many eras of his 50 year solo career. We recommend checking out all of Eno's solo recordings, collaborations, and his extensive production work, but this is a good overview that incudes some of his recordings with Cluster, John Cale, David Byrne, Roger Eno, and more.
The original Eno footage included in the video for "Stiff" was shot in the early 90’s and finally unearthed by Gary Hustwit in the making of the Eno film. The song is included in both the film and official soundtrack album.
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
Check out the new track, “Domestic Workers Song,” from Dawn Landes. The song was originally written in 1939 but it’s still relevant and timely, and the recording is a fun sing-a-long romp with nods to The Band and the upstate NY...
It is often challenging within a review period to fully explore a piece of gear and integrate it into the daily workflow. It's not that reviewers won't use the feature set and put it to task in at least a few applications, but to truly get to know...
I'll be shelling out a lot of bucks for this on Sept 9th. Billboard reported this today...
"All 14 Beatles titles, along with a DVD collection of the documentaries, will also be available in a stereo box set. A second boxed set, "The Beatles in...
Hey Tape Op Readers!
The AES Show will be online this year and you can get your FREE AES SHOWCASE pass (Showcase is from Oct 19 - 23 and will be on-demand until January) by using VIP code AES2020TapeOp at checkout!
Offer good until Sept...
(me and Elliott rolling in Jackpot!'s original MCI JH-16, Feb. 1997)
As most readers of Tape Op may have picked up on by now, I have been involved in the archiving and cataloging of the music of my late friend, Elliott Smith. Here's an interview I...
A lot of you have probably heard the term “microphonic tubes.” But have you ever heard one in action? They actually turn into little microphones. (Hence the name).
So, this week I decided to replace the input tubes on my Manley...
Well known producer/engineer Roger Nichols is currently battling cancer, and we send him our best hopes and thoughts. Please visit his website.
George at MIX Mag had this to say:
The Weeknd has a special knack for making catchy and accessible pop music that is also sonically interesting, dark, and melancholy. It's hard to believe that his first release, Beauty Behind the Madness, was released almost a decade ago, but if...
In line with Andy Hong's list of gear (issue #66) he's reviewed in the past that he still finds amazing, here's a list of stuff I was using this last month that I think deserves special credit for the amount of times I fall back on these pieces and...