Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
I recently mixed my first album entirely on my laptop. Yeah, maybe I'm a decade behind the curve but I also own a studio and have done a majority of my work there. On this job we were attempting to cut and mix a record in three days and we didn't...
Jonathan Mann is the "song a day guy" of Songatron. Since January 1st 2009 he's posted a song and video a day. Septemeber 28th 2011 he'll have recorded 1000 songs. Wow. In June Nick Krill and Thomas Hughes of The Spinto Band joined up with...
Well, not my maker but the man behind the baby that is our RND5088 console at Jackpot! I got to spend a little time (and a photoshoot) with Rupert Neve at The Magic Shop in NYC during the AES convention last week. Thanks to Steve Rosenthal for...
Tape Op is sponsoring an event at The Hangar, aka Tape Op Publishing HQ. When: Saturday, September 6, 10am-6pm. Where: The Hangar Studios, Sacramento, CA What: The first Audio Underground Roadshow What’s that and who will be there: Demos of...
by John Baccigaluppi The music industry trade shows, and the NAMM Show in particular, have always been a mixed bag for me. Every year, for the last 20 years or so, Larry and I, along with Geoff, Scott, and Marsha (We miss you Andy, Dave, and Laura!)...
THE ERA OF HI-RES DIGITAL AUDIO IS HERE I’ve been watching the rise of hi-end digital audio recently, and as I put the individual pieces together over the past year or so a picture is emerging that has inspired me to claim that we are...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Alan Parsons is one of the most talented engineer/producers out there and a hell of a nice guy. His Art and Science of Sound Recording DVD set is a great learning tool that we reviewed a while back. Now...
Check out the latest gear giveaways from our advertisers and enter to win! Retro Intruments 500 Pre Giveaway! Enter to Win a 500PRE Here! Audix Mics and Headphones Giveaway! Enter to Win Audix Mics and Headphones! Baby...
John Cuniberti records artists in the "OneMic" series with a single AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic. Results? Impressive!