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Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
A year ago I read this quote from self-proclaimed expert music biz blogger, Bob Lefsetz: "We live in a lo-fi era. You can focus on sound quality, but most people can't hear it. There's a chance hi-fi is coming back, but do you really have...
Dear Tape Op Readers, As you know many of our family, friends and colleagues on the East Coast have been hit hard by Hurricane Sandy last week. Led by Ken Bogdanowicz of Sound Toys, several of our advertisers have joined together to help raise...
That’s right, somehow a lowly engineer and magazine editor that can’t even type has been asked to read some excerpts from Tape Op: The Book About Creative Music Recording Vol. II and moderate a panel at world-renowned literary event,...
So here it is. The fateful letter that relentless talent scout and A&R honcho John Baccigaluppi sent to my band Vomit Launch back in 1988. Little did we know that soon we'd be holed up in his studio making records, and less than a decade later...
After reading Larry's "Eliminate Variables" End Rant from last issue, I was compelled to write a response. Don't get me wrong, I agree completely with everything he said; so before you read any further, revisit the back page of issue #92. I...
I finally figured out what makes for a successful tracking session: simply eliminate the variables. On one level this could be seen as pre-production combined with concise decision making. Certainly those can help - but what I'm talking about is...
(me and Elliott rolling in Jackpot!'s original MCI JH-16, Feb. 1997) As most readers of Tape Op may have picked up on by now, I have been involved in the archiving and cataloging of the music of my late friend, Elliott Smith. Here's an interview I...
During this year's SXSW music festival someone asked me how many times I'd been to Austin, Texas, for this event. I had no idea. Eight? Ten? Since the mid-'90s I've certainly attended many times, most as a panelist, but always as a music fan. And...
I often think about the relation of commerce and art. It's a convoluted one, but necessary. How could one continue to create the best art possible if they were destitute? They won't - they will be focused on survival instead. A recent...