Wade Baynham of The Second Story studio in Durham, NC, posted a nice piece about Ethan's End Rant in issue #88.
AES 2018 Passes
by Geoff Stanfield
Get your FREE passes to AES 2018 in NYC HERE!
Wade Baynham of The Second Story studio in Durham, NC, posted a nice piece about Ethan's End Rant in issue #88.
Get your FREE passes to AES 2018 in NYC HERE!
head-fi: n, audiophile-grade headphone systems.portable: adj, able to be easily carried. The record industry is about twenty-five years into a massive devaluation of its products. This devaluation is not due to some invisible calculus the way, say,...
I'm in the middle of cataloging 1.5 TB of audio files. This is the work I do for the Estate of Elliott Smith. Two computers keep Pro Tools on the top one and FileMaker Pro and Excel for track sheets on the bottom one. Otherwise the MacBook Pro...
It's that time of year again where we go back through our digital listening histories or simply look over at the turntable to get a handle on just what we were enjoying this past year. There were a ton of great releases this year, many of them...
Tape Op is sponsoring an event at The Hangar, aka Tape Op Publishing HQ. When: Saturday, September 6, 10am-6pm. Where: The Hangar Studios, Sacramento, CA What: The first Audio Underground Roadshow What’s that and who will be there: Demos of...
I'm about to write something that at first will seem like another gray-beard waxing nostalgic for a by-gone analog era. But, stick with me, because I think the tables are turning to where going analog might be as forward-thinking as it gets. Let's...
We sent intrepid reporter Jeorgia Anderson to cover this fascinating event. -LC When I read that the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) was holding their 45th annual conference in downtown Los Angeles May 11-14, I went to...
I ran the end rant about "Lies" I hear in the studio from musicians. I asked for "Lies" that engineers tell people, but only got these two. But they're pretty good! Please take with a sense of humor, according to Arthur, but there may be some truths...
Going through some archives I came across this priceless piece of history: its the rate card from the studio my friends and I used to go to. You can see it here:. After years of nagging, we did get him to discount our rate to $50 an hour,...