Vist Udi Koomran's special website ("MUSIC ENTHUSIAST AUDIO ENGINEER, PRODUCER FROM TEL AVIV ISRAEL. RECORDING MIXING AND MASTERING ORIGINAL AND CHALLENGING MUSIC IS MY PASSION.") and check out a fantastic interview with Etienne Conod about his work engineering records for Cris Cutler, Fred Frith and other "experimantal" musicans at his Sunrise Studios in Switzerland. It's an in-depth article that fits the Tape Op mold for sure. I'm really glad Udi did this piece, and thanks to Steve Silverstein for sending the link my way.
Gear Update: Crane Song Avocet II Monitor Controller
by Geoff Stanfield
This may be the most indispensable tool in my studio. I hear people say that converters don't matter and that most cannot hear the difference. Bullsh*t! If you cannot accurately hear what you are doing you are making uninformed choices. They call...