Some may remember us running excerpts from Phill Brown's book, Are We Still Rolling?, many years ago. We're proud to announce that Tape Op Books will be releasing Are We Still Rolling? this Fall. It's one hell of a read. In the meantime enjoy Phill's new website!
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I say this all the time. Drop by Jim Powers' Music Shrink website and read his articulate post on the subject.
I didn't do this video. But the guy who did must be spying on me. You can replace the style of music with any style, but the conversation is the same. (Recording Engineers, you can replace mastering with 'my friend has a hacked copy of Cubase.') ...
Fire Extinguishers in the Studio - [Note to our EU readers. I don't know if the U.S. letter conventions apply in your locale, but the fundamental suggestions in this post are universal.]
It’s a really smart idea to have a couple of fire...
Here I am at Powell's City of Books in Portland doing the book reading. Quite fun to get up and make an ass of myself in a book store. Thanks to Leigh Marble and Ben for playing sweet music, to Kevin Sampsell for arranging this for Powell's, and to...
Photo: Larry Crane
The recent passing of Ed Cherney sent me to my archives. I'd interviewed Ed many years ago and he asked me not to run it. We went back and forth about it, and I never understood why he didn't want this interview in Tape Op....
Al Kooper produced this band in the '80s. They really knew how to argue - with him, with each other and probably with anyone in a ten-mile radius. Al edited out the music and kept the wonderful conversation, releasing it on one of his limited (300...
I recently found myself diving back into the Little Feat catalog, and came across a documentary on the band's founder, guitarist, and frontman Lowell George, called Feats First - The Life & Music of Lowell George. Music docs, especially on the...
Vintage King recently celebrated their 30 year anniversary. Like most things, there is a story behind what has now become a fantastic retailer of both vintage and modern recording equipment. I caught up with founder Michael Nehra on a Zoom call and...
Support the Future of Music Coalition!
The FMC is "a small, Washington, D.C.-based non-profit that fights to get musicians a seat at the table in debates about the future of music. FMC's HINT (Health Insurance Navigation Tool) program,...