Subtitled New York Songs and Stories, producer, musician, songwriter, engineer, and occasional Tape Op contributor Chris Stamey details his youth in North Carolina and his adventures in NYC of the late '70s. As a member of The dB's, he co-wrote and helmed their classic albums, Stands for deciBels and Repercussion, but more telling for us are the home recording scenarios and studio experiments and growth that Chris lets us into along the way. As a youth, Chris and Mitch Easter [Tape Op #21] messed around with home recordings, some even becoming releases. Later studio experiences thankfully get covered in detail, and studio experimentation and philosophies are discussed. Chris is a thoughtful guy, and it's a special treat to be let into his head and to watch his growth as an artist and producer. Any (most?) of us who have made the transition from musician to engineer to producer will recognize this path, and Chris' journey is unique; playing with Alex Chilton, running a small label, performing at CBGB, and travelling to the UK for sessions while watching the culture, and the world in NYC, change around him. A great, compelling read, with many candid photos and a wonderfully fascinating story - Chris Stamey proves he's a great writer, along with everything else he does so well.
Books | No. 17
The MIDI Drummer
by Leigh Marble
This low-budget publishing effort manages to give a solid introduction to MIDI drumming. It covers nothing too advanced, especially given the expansion of MIDI options since 1987, but if you're a...