This very primitive digital delay displays no visible model number. Early digital delays have grown unfashionable in comparison to analog delays or better quality newer models, so it is very inexpensive used. It provides a simple, functional delay with flexible control of delay time, regeneration, and blend. The delayed signal emphasizes high midrange frequencies slightly and increases the signal's noise slightly. Like all delays, it produces strange sounds if the delay levels are adjusted while a signal passes through. It also has a functional if unspectacular chorus, with controls for width and speed. It provides two odd but interesting effect sounds at an affordable used price.
Effects, Plug-Ins | No. 121
SpaceModulator Flanger Plug-In
by John Baccigaluppi
Ever since I reviewed the Valhalla reverbs [Tape Op #111], I’ve continued to use these plug-ins on every session, especially Shimmer and VintageVerb. I was recently poking around on the Valhalla...