Take a phantom-powered version of the "Build Your Own Mic" from Tape Op #16, install two in a plastic model of a human skull, and you have the coolest new mic to track stereo signals in the studio while reminding sloppy musicians of their own mortality. The grinning skull features an adjustable gooseneck stand attachment, XLR outputs and an moveable jaw. I tried this on a drummer along with some Shure SM81s and was very surprised at how much brighter and exciting the skull sounds were. And when you hear the results back on headphones you'll swear you were there! ($200 plus shipping and handling, Bruce Harvie, 679 Roehl's Hill Rd., Olga, WA. 98279, tonewoods@rockisland.com)
Microphones | No. 51
C617SET omni mic
by Eddie Ciletti
Matching microphones with sound sources is kinda like transposing on a non-tempered keyboard; there are magical combinations and disastrous ones. I jumped at the chance to check out the new Josephson...