All right, this thing is really cool. Sadly, it's also very expensive and is an extreme example of a "one trick pony." But what a trick, man! The Seek Wah sends your signal through a series of envelope filters. There are eight tiny pots so you can control the sensitivity of each filter. There's a pot that controls the speed through which the signal flows. There's a toggle switch that allows you to choose 4, 6, or 8 filters (so that you can match up the tempo of the resulting percolation to different time signatures.) The sonic possibilities are hard to describe - try to imagine tremolo with a completely controllable wah filter on each pulse. Upsides: unique sounds are possible, each pedal is hand painted and individually numbered, lots of knobs, easy and fun to use. Downsides: pricey (in the $250-$300 range,) battery- powered only (I heard that Z-Vex is not UL listed and therefore cannot legally include an AC adapter jack on its products,) not something you'd be apt to use every day. Still, I cherish mine and don't regret trading in several run-of-the-mill pedals to obtain this singular device. (
Effects | No. 21
Digital Time Delay
by Steve Silverstein
This very primitive digital delay displays no visible model number. Early digital delays have grown unfashionable in comparison to analog delays or better quality newer models, so it is very...