Maybe Andy hasn't seen this one, but CaiLube MCL has saved my ass in recent years. It's a Moving Contact Lubricant for potentiometers, meaning faders, volume knobs and such. I picked it up hoping that the noisy faders on my used console would stop crackling during mixes, and a few shots of this foamy liquid into the slots and a little working it in and the problems were solved. It has also been perfect for crackly guitar volume/tone knobs, the controls for an old EQ unit, and other parts on my console. Every studio should have a can around. (
Microphones, Tools | No. 141
OC818 Studio Set Microphone
by Mike Jasper
Recently, I was looking for something completely different in a microphone with $1200 of stimulus money burning a hole in my pocket. So, when I discovered the Austrian Audio OC818 – a...