This is the Holy Grail of limiters - the most transparent limiter I have ever used. This is not a plug- in, but a dedicated piece of hardware that does all its own number crunching at 48 bit. It's very flexible, offering AES/EBU and S/PDIFdigital ins/outs, as well as a word clock in. To my surprise the analog to digital converters included with the unit sound very, very good, and include a variable gain, making them very flexible. Using the L-2 is simple and the manual does a good job explaining the features and appropriate uses of them. The L-2 is the answer for anyone looking to master mixes loud without being forced to make them distorted and harsh. A mastering engineer's wet dream in a time when commercial music is demanding volume over quality. ($2395 list, or
Dynamics | No. 107
Tweaker side-chain shaping compressor
by Geoff Stanfield
There's gear that does its job in technically proficient and sometimes even colorful ways. In the capable hands of skilled producers and engineers, the gear brings to life the instruments and sounds...