An unfortunate title, this isn't the fabled Glyn Johns' version of Let It Be, but instead it is a new beast, mixed and produced at Abbey Road by Paul Hicks, Guy Massey and Allan Rouse. Songs were de-Spectorized and cleaned up a bit with Pro Tools, with parts from other takes even flown in. The idea was to restore the tracks to only performances from The Beatles (with wonderful Billy Preston). They succeeded in creating a different yet possibly kind of unneeded version of the album, but the weird outtakes/chatter bonus disc is kind of fun to listen to on headphones.
Music Reviews | No. 39
Letting Go of Strings
by Larry Crane
Gina's pal, Michael Cubbon, recorded this self-released dreamy pop record at their Dithering Heights home studio on Cubase VST32 v5.1 on a P4- 2.4 desktop computer loaded with two UAD-1 cards. Drum...