Brittany Howard and Shawn Everett discuss Nate Smith tracking "Goat Head".
Read the full interview HERE
Brittany Howard and Shawn Everett discuss Nate Smith tracking "Goat Head".
Read the full interview HERE
Join the Copyright Alliance in protesting ad-supported pirate media websites. Sign the petition here. Thanks!
Speaking of the art world, reader Halsey Burgund sent a link to his installation that “involves some unconventional recording techniques, mainly doing it wirelessly and using lots of open-source and customized software.” Looks like fun...
Don't forget, if you happen to be in Austin next week for some big music even, like SXSW or something, that we're throwing a kick-ass party at the Lucky Lounge from 2-6 pm on March 15th, Thursday. Okay? RSVP HERE!
Larry caught up with Manny Marroquin at Studio La Fabrique in France during a Mix With The Masters session.
Our compatriots over at Australia's fine Audio Technology magazine posted this video of a visit to Behringer City. See Video Here. It's a curious visit and Chris Holder offers some good insight into this man and his company. Thanks to Steven...
As a gift to her fans in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries, St. Vincent has released a Spanish language version of her 2024 release All Born Screaming, Todos Nacen Gritando. Releasing companion albums is a bit of theme with St. Vincent....
Vintage King recently celebrated their 30 year anniversary. Like most things, there is a story behind what has now become a fantastic retailer of both vintage and modern recording equipment. I caught up with founder Michael Nehra on a Zoom call and...
by John Baccigaluppi We recently did an interview with producer Larry Klein that will run in an issue of Tape Op in 2020, but here's an excerpt about a recently-released project he worked on called Beyond Music. A couple of years ago, these...
Yes, this is where I found myself running Pro Tools today. I WAS able to combine my favorite things: cooking, beer, coffee and recording.