Brittany Howard and Shawn Everett discuss Nate Smith tracking "Goat Head".
Read the full interview HERE
Brittany Howard and Shawn Everett discuss Nate Smith tracking "Goat Head".
Read the full interview HERE
Everyone has been talking about Dave Grohl's new documentary Sound City a lot lately. That's cool; it's a fun romp of a movie, even if Dave can't decide whether he's making a film about a Neve console, a dying studio, a rock star jam session or an...
Just a quick note about the upcoming Audio Engineering Society (AES) convention in Los Angeles. We have arranged for all Tape Op readers to receive a free Exhibits Plus Badge to the convention. This badge is good for the Exhibition PLUS all...
Dear Tape Op Readers, As you know many of our family, friends and colleagues on the East Coast have been hit hard by Hurricane Sandy last week. Led by Ken Bogdanowicz of Sound Toys, several of our advertisers have joined together to help raise...
Reader Mike Petkau dropped a line about the cool site and collaboration he started: "I wanted to point you to a project I've currently wrapped up. For 16 weeks, every Wednesday, I've brought 3 very different musicians from different backgrounds to...
For his new release, Honey, Caribou's Dan Snaith (Tape Op #35, #105) wears his Detroit techno influences on his sleeve, and uses AI to explore and reimagine vocals as well as manipulate his voice, to create an album of dance tracks that...
Hey Tape Op Readers! The AES Show will be online this year and you can get your FREE AES SHOWCASE pass (Showcase is from Oct 19 - 23 and will be on-demand until January) by using VIP code AES2020TapeOp at checkout! Offer good until Sept...
Simultaneously making apparent the depths of both my dorkiness and my loyalty, I steadfastly stood by Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" all through its various tribulations over the last couple years -- first with its questionable placement on the OC,...
Sometimes when artists release compilations of "bonus" tracks, or songs that were recorded for an album but were left off, it is quite obvious why. With Juana Molina's new EXHALO, this is not the case! Each track on this four song EP is...
A lot of you have probably heard the term “microphonic tubes.” But have you ever heard one in action? They actually turn into little microphones. (Hence the name). So, this week I decided to replace the input tubes on my Manley...