Read the whole interview with Brittany and Shawn HERE
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Weirdest email to Tape Op ever?
by Larry Crane
Weirdest email to Tape Op ever? This one takes the cake. Delusional. -Larry From: XXXXXXX Date: June 18, 2011 12:56:02 PM PDTTo: larry@tapeop.comSubject: LETTER OF INQUIREHope that Mr. Larry Crane will receive this...
New album and video, The Way Out of Easy, from Jeff Parker ETA IVtet
by Geoff Stanfield
The Way Out of Easy is the second album Jeff Parker (Tortoise) has released that was recorded live by Bryce Gonzales at The Enfield Tennis Academy to a stereo Nagra tape machine on a hand built tube console that he designed and built. Besides Parker...
Free Exhibits Plus Badge to AES Los Angeles 2014 for Tape Op Readers
by Dave Middleton
Just a quick note about the upcoming Audio Engineering Society (AES) convention in Los Angeles. We have arranged for all Tape Op readers to receive a free Exhibits Plus Badge to the convention. This badge is good for the Exhibition PLUS all...
It's Not What You Know...
by Geoff Stanfield
Berklee College of Music sponsored a recent Tape Op newsletter and it got me thinking about music schools. In terms of my personal recording path, I learned on my own through trial and error and via mentors. You can read a little bit about that...
Behringer City?
by Larry Crane
Our compatriots over at Australia's fine Audio Technology magazine posted this video of a visit to Behringer City. See Video Here. It's a curious visit and Chris Holder offers some good insight into this man and his company. Thanks to Steven...
Lies Engineers Tell Us
by Larry Crane
I ran the end rant about "Lies" I hear in the studio from musicians. I asked for "Lies" that engineers tell people, but only got these two. But they're pretty good! Please take with a sense of humor, according to Arthur, but there may be some truths...
AutoTune as the Subject of a Song?
by Larry Crane
Yup. And here's the video. Funny as shit. "Thanks AutoTune!"
Resources for Artists During COVID-19 Pandemic
by Geoff Stanfield
Art is Alive is a solidarity effort aimed at providing resources, spreading awareness and building connectedness within the artistic and creative freelance communities impacted by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Created by artist Rhiannon Giddens, and...