In Issue #30 I mentioned using "safe" ink pens when marking CD-Rs. The supposed issue is that Sharpies and their ilk can bleed through the plastic layer and eat away at the aluminum below, thus destroying the readability of the CD-R. I've never had this happen, but I don't want to either. I'd been using an Apogee CD pen, but found that the tip was always kinda dry (even when I first bought it), and it wouldn't mark the CDs most of the time. After I tossed it in the trash I picked up an HHB CD Writer and was finally happy. This pen has a really small tip, like a super-fine point Sharpie, which means you can load a lot of info on the CD surface. It also dries immediately. I don't mean in a second, I mean that you can write on the CD and run your hand across it without smearing. Pretty damn cool. Now I just wish my local tape supplier carried these pens! (
Accessories, Dynamics | No. 127
Professional Music Filters Ear Plugs
by Larry Crane
Hearing protection is incredibly important for everyone, but when you make your living producing and mixing you get totally paranoid about it. I've been on an endless quest for comfortable,...