Gear Reviews


ReAir: Refillable Duster

reviewed by Andy Hong

Instead of paying big bucks for prepackaged air check out the ReAir refillable air sprayer. With about ten strokes of a standard bicycle pump, you've got a canister full of compressed air to blow crap...

Tools  |  No. 21

Quik Lok: Mixer Stands

reviewed by Andy Hong

I own a number of stands and racks made by the Italian company Quik Lok. My current console sits on top of a castor-equipped Quik Lok WS-44 workstation. My last two mixers were supported by a Quik Lok...

Princeton: Tec Pulsar

reviewed by Andy Hong

The best $10 you'll ever spend. How many times have you had to look behind/around/underneath a rack/mixer/recorder, and you kick yourself for not having your Mini Mag-Lite in easy reach? No excuses...
